Get Soaked
Genre -
Platform -
Action, Online Multiplayer, FPS

Get Soaked is an online, multiplayer first person shooter. Capture points and hold them - best
out of three wins!
Made by
Maya Egnér - Environment, GUI & Art Direction
Anders Ekendahl- Programmer
Johannes Dagerbrant- Environment & Animation
Daniel Nordberg- Programmer
Lukas Åberg - Designer
Get Soaked is set in a distant future where progress in technology has reached new heights,altering the world as we know it in drastic ways. This technology, aside from being super-duper-awesome, also happened to be the downfall of mankind. Well, almost. While all the grown-ups killed each other off, the children survived. Being the last humans left on Earth, they decided to establish a system in order to solve their internal conflicts. Concluding that the grown-ups did a pretty bad job, killing is a huge no-no. Instead, the two opposing groups battle it out using water-guns, and the winners get to rule and/or decide what to do next. Until the next battle, that is.